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A Palazzo

This new gallery of contemporary art in the center of Brescia was inaugurated in September 2008. An exhibition space of 500 square feet inside one of the oldest and most prestigious buildings of the city, Palazzo Cigola Fenaroli, located between the Castle and Piazzale Arnaldo and a short walk from the Museum of Santa Giulia, the largest museum institution in the city.

Among the artists represented by the gallery are Alan Reid, Edson Chagas, Benny Chirco, Giorgio Ciam, Marta Eknæs, Brendan Fowler, Paolo Gonzato, Elias Hansen, Georgie Hopton, Servane Mary, Marta Pierobon, The Reader.

  • Chiara Fumai (b. 1978) Dogaressa Elisabetta Querini Valier reads Valerie Solanas, 2013 C print 80 x 120 cm (without frame) 84 x 124 cm (with frame) Courtesy APALAZZOGALLERY and the artist
    Chiara Fumai (b. 1978) Dogaressa Elisabetta Querini Valier reads Valerie Solanas, 2013 C print 80 x 120 cm (without frame) 84 x 124 cm (with frame) Courtesy APALAZZOGALLERY and the artist