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Glazami kollektsionera

Glazami kollektsionera – yezhegodnyy spetsial'nyy proyekt nekommercheskoy programmy yarmarki v Somoskve, posvyashchennyy chastnym kollektsiyam. V etom godu on prinimayet Fond «Novyye kollektsionery», kotoryy zanimayetsya podderzhkoy praktiki kollektsionirovaniya i obespechivayet organizatsiyu uchastiya kollektsionera v sisteme kul'turnykh protsessov. “Through the Eyes of a Collector” is an annual special project of the non-profit program of the fair in Somosk, dedicated to private collections. This year it hosts the New Collectors Foundation, which supports the practice of collecting and ensures the organization of collector participation in the system of cultural processes.

The exhibition “The Present Continuous” will present selected works from the collection of the co-founder of the Foundation, Ekaterina Lapshina: objects, graphics, painting, photography. Video works will occupy a central place in the exhibition, which emphasizes Ekaterina’s special attention to new media. Following her interest, she became a patron of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin, actively participating in the development of the museum and in replenishing its collection of media art.

“Present Continuous” will showcase the work of artists who have chosen distancing in relation to the subject of the image as a method. Such detachment blurs boundaries and echoes the forced habit of recent years not to think about the future and not to be attached to the past, living the current moment as the only possible one.

The exhibition features works by Olga Chernysheva, Alexandra Paperno, Irina Korina, Dima Filippov, Alexandra Garth, Bill Viola, Glenda Leon, Li Be and John R. Pepper.