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Video pavilion of the collection of Denis Himilyaine: Evgeniy Granilshchikov

The series of catastrophic events that occurred with the onset of the coronavirus epidemic turned our attention to the body: to its basic resources and capabilities. The body sends us simple signals. Sometimes we listen to them, sometimes we ignore them. This is our florid dialogue with ourselves, that is, literally our dialogue with our own body, in which we argue with it or agree with it and ultimately live this life.

If you dance, you probably know that you should never rush to class. But what if you are late for your date with life? Isn't it better to come to a meeting with her with a heavy beating heart, sweaty armpits and shortness of breath, having lost all pride and surrendering yourself to chance and fate? How can we live this life if we don’t know if we need to hurry? How to live if we don’t know anything about our present and just blindly make one bet after another?

If you are still in a hurry to get to your dance lesson, then we can assume that you have understood everything incorrectly. The body passes through time. Or vice versa? Maybe time passes through the body? And if you happen to get injured along the way, it means that the body's signals were ignored by you, and you really did not understand anything. Trauma reveals a lot: it rewires your connection to your body and changes the way you experience time and space. It is trauma that indicates your successful date with life.